How to Know When To Replace Your Glass Shower Door

There are a couple of telltale signs that indicate that it’s time for a shower door replacement. Glass shower doors are typically long-lasting features in your bathroom design that won’t need frequent replacing, however, it is important to note when you need to shop for another one. Having transparent doors for you showers is a unique trait to incorporate in your design because it reflects light and helps to give an open air to your bathroom. But what happens when those glass doors become dirty beyond repair? What if you notice a slight chip or some discoloration? When is the right time to replace these doors? Dixie Shower Doors near Orlando, Florida has the answers to those questions.

1. Discoloration Is a Sign For New Doors


If your glass shower doors are starting to look a bit grungy or dirty, even after a through cleaning, then it’s time to replace them. When you first installed your shower doors they were probably crisp and clear. Once this look starts to fade, you will want to consider new glass doors, not only for style purposes, but for health reasons. The cause for this unintended discolored look is due to excessive soap scum buildup. And while you can search for every trick in the book to help wipe it away, eventually it will be past basic DIY methods. Moreover, the discoloration could be due to mold or mildew growth within your shower, which is definitely not something you want to stick around.

2. Shower Door Replacement for Chips and Cracks


Naturally, glass shower doors are susceptible to chips and cracks. We all know that as soon as we see one of these on our car windshield, people will constantly urge you to replace them. Normally we just see this as a minor inconvenience, but with you shower door, a single crack could quickly spread and cause serious injury if it were to break. If you aren’t sure of the severity of your damaged shower door, inspect it to see how long or large your crack or chip is. The bigger they are, the more prone you are to serious damages or injuries. Contact us at Dixie Shower Doors if you need your doors inspected.

3. Frame Rust or Corrosion


The glass portion of your shower doors aren’t the only factor to consider. Most of these doors are held together by metal frames that will start to rust or corrode overtime due to their constant encounter with water. When the hinges, frame, or track start to corrode they can become too weak to support the glass, which can lead to your entire door to break.

4. Excessive Flooding


If you notice that your bathroom floor is starting to flood more than usually after you use the shower, it could be because of a crack or leak in your frame. It could also be because your shower door is too large or too small. The only way to fix this issue is to have your shower door replaced.

Contact us at Dixie Shower Doors near Orlando to talk about your shower door replacement.